The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 27th, 2014

October 27th, 2014

Final Snupin Santa Multimedia Fest Organization Post

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"Final." *sigh*
So, Santa has had a rough year, and the elves are all out on assignment. Please read this post carefully and understand that Santa would like to enjoy his last holiday season with the community, which means very little wiggle room for submissions this year in several aspects.

Snupin Santa has always been a multimedia fest, which means if you'd like to knit or write an essay about what Snape/Lupin have meant to you, etc., it's welcome. Multiple submissions also welcome!

Deadline & Submission Acceptance Notes:
• All Stories, Art, Drabble/Drawables and Other must arrive in Santa's inbox, ready to post - November 29 unless Santa and you talk about it.
• All Art that you would like Santa to upload to the archive must arrive in Santa's inbox by November 29 unless Santa and you talk about it.
• "Ready to post" means you've tested it in a LJ or other journal post and there is a blank line between each paragraph, all bold and italics are closed, and images are properly linked to appear in the post.
• There's no anonymity this year, so Santa shouldn't have to upload art or pictures for you unless you meet the early deadline.
• There's no beta this year, either. If Santa thinks your work hasn't been beta'ed or checked for formatting, your work will be returned to you for you to correct. This can happen after December 1, so please be proactive and use a beta and check out how your post will look on a journal before sending it in.
• Santa reserves the right to correct any major spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in written work without consulting the creator. Again, Santa won't beta, but if he spots a typo, he will fix it.
• Santa doesn't want to entirely discourage latecomers if work is completed during the fest posting, however, Santa will not guarantee that anything received after November 29 will be posted.

There's more under here. Santa expects you to read these notes if you're submitting, so don't skip them. ^_^ )

If Santa thinks of anything else, or if someone asks a good question for everyone, he will add it here. Consider this the master post that you should refer back to when submitting. If anyone thinks they can take on any part of the work this holiday season, feel free to contact Santa to become an elf. Soon. *g*

Here's to a very happy Snape/Lupin Holiday!
Ho Ho Ho
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