The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 30th, 2013

December 30th, 2013

Snupin Santa Notes: Site downtime & Commenting Challenges

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The site was down for most of the day because of an issue on the Server's end. The service provider is working on moving his servers around so that we won't have as many problems as we've had recently. Then again, two down-times solved in less than 24 hours during December isn't too bad, considering. You can always let Santa know when the site is down via the community mod email, lore's emails, or the Snupin Santa email, all of which can be looked up with a few clicks.

Santa is going to post the remaining material starting tonight and into tomorrow. We had many late-comers turn in material in the last week, which is why there are several posts remaining.

We need more comments and recs.

You can comment on the site, or on the posting notices on the journals. You can even make anonymous comments here on the journals. Comments have been extremely scarce since the first week. Santa knows we've all had a busy month, but now that the year is winding down and we will soon return to our routines, please try to make a new habit of commenting as you view materials from the fest. Santa can see how many views a piece receives, so he knows you're at least looking at fest material. Take a moment to let our creators know that you were there by saying a simple "Thanks" or "This saved me from talking to my annoying guests" or "Kilroy was here" or anything. This is the 9th year of Snupin Santa. Do something to let Santa and the creators know that a 10th year will be worth the effort and not flogging a dead horse.

-->Lurker challenge: Severus Snape's birthday is January 9. Everyone is challenged to make 9 new comments on Snupin Santa material between now and the 9th, especially those of you who don't usually comment. Santa wants to see at least 9 new names commenting, too!

-->The Remus Bonus: Remus Lupin's birthday is March 10. Take the Lurker Challenge, add one, and honor Remus as well by making 10 comments instead of 9. You can do it; just one more comment to celebrate Snape and Lupin!

A masterlist will be posted and final recs collected on January 9. Thanks, everyone! Have a very Happy New Year, and we'll see you around the community!

Ho Ho Ho
Snupin Santa

Fiction: Against the Darkness, by Shadowycat

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Title: Against the Darkness

From: Shadowycat

Summary: Severus attends a meeting of the resistance at Grimmauld Place.

Rating: On the Nice List (G)

HP Era: 1991-1998: Hogwarts Era

Genre: Romance

Word count: 512

Prompt: DDO#67 - My heart stops when you look at me, from Karasu_hime.
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