The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 16th, 2013

December 16th, 2013


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Hi all, I'm sitting in chat, trying and failing to write. Feel free to swing by and keep me company! :D

Fiction: Hunter's Yule, by Bonfoi

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Title: Hunter's Yule

From: Bonfoi

Summary: Master and slave, dark and darker, they complement each other and give each other the gift of the hunt this Yuletide.

Rating: Holiday Spice (R)

Genre: Alternate Reality, Romance, D/s elements

Word count: 365

Notes: Many thanks to the elf that created the prompt I chose. It was wide open and I had so many ideas, but then this one image stuck in my head and finally, finally, the ficlet let itself be written for this year's Snupin Santa fest. A sleigh full of joy to Snupin Santa and the elves for hosting and posting—far too much fun! And, last, but certainly not least, to my lovely beta, Badgerlady, who so kindly lent me critical eyes.

Prompt: DDO#12 - Full moon on Christmas Eve/Winter Solstice
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