The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 23rd, 2013

September 23rd, 2013

Snupin Santa Holiday Fest! The Prompt Post!

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Santa is very busy and the elves have been downsized and working overtime. Still, Lupin_Snape is holding a Holiday Fest this year instead of an exchange. This means you all will generate prompts and those prompts will be posted anonymously for creators to claim. Creator entries will be due by the end of November and still posted to the community on a semi-daily basis and to the Snupin Santa Holiday Fest Archive. Prompter names and creators will be revealed as we post.

The purpose of this Holiday Fest is to generate Snupiny Goodness for the holidays. The creators will be working from the inspiration of a prompt, not the motivation of a gift exchange. If you're hoping for a very specific gift tailored to you in December, it's not too late to get in on other HP holiday fests and exchanges. We're going to concentrate on inspiring creators so that the entire community will have a variety of posts to view in December.

There will be rules for the claiming and creators, Santa loves his rules, but for now, we need to generate some prompts for creators to use! There are 3 categories, and anyone - even if you aren't a creator - can make up to 10 prompts in each category, December holiday themes encouraged!:

Story: Give an idea that could generate a story of at least 1500 words. Use no more than 100 words to give this idea. All squicks will be considered optional. Feel free to give an overall mood or tone you'd like to read. Remember, it all has to fit in 100 words.

Art: Given an idea with enough detail for an artist to create a complete, fleshed-out piece. Prompts can include descriptions of craft projects, digital manipulations, videos, icons, web pages, etc. We haven't lost the multimedia aspect of Snupin Santa! Again, you are only allowed 100 words; you can recycle a story prompt here if you have a prompt that fits both story and art.

Drabble/Drawable/Other (DDO): 50-word limit for prompts in this category; in fact, you should try to be as brief as possible. Prompts can be as simple as 3-words or they can be pictures or quotations - whatever you think will inspire someone to create a little piece for the fest. This category will also encompass essay, thematic list, and other more academic requests.

You can make multiple prompts in a post as long as you mark each prompt as STORY, ART, or DDO. If the elves don't know which category in which to place a prompt, we'll try to contact you (so leave a contact email on replies if your Journal mail doesn't work), and if we don't hear from you, we'll leave it off the claim list. Replies to this thread are screened so only you and Elves will see them. If you don't have an account on Livejournal, Insanejournal or Dreamwidth, anonymous replies are allowed, but you need to leave a contact name and email with your reply.

Santa wants to specifically note that if your taste runs to the dark or bittersweet, you're certainly welcome and encouraged to prompt here - just be sure to be clear about what you're looking for when you state a tone or mood in your prompt.

Final reminder and disclaimer: The Story and Art prompts are open to interpretation by the creators and may not contain all elements listed in a prompt. Santa has left the drabble prompts out of this disclaimer for now because drabble prompts shouldn't be complicated. However, if a complicated drabble prompt is left by someone and somehow inspires a creator, the creator can still have leeway with it.

To recap: Make up to 10 prompts in each category of Story, Art and DDO - keep to the word limits. Replies are screened. Prompt list will posted next week. We don't have a firm prompt deadline, but the elves might get lazy about adding prompts to the claim list after September 29.

Don't forget to spread the word to your friends and other communities! Santa out!
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