The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 11th, 2013

January 11th, 2013

announcing zmember tags!

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Hello, all Snupin shippers! Two quick announcements.

First off, all names have been added to the individual Snupin Santa 2012 posts. I am slowly going back over the previous years and filling that information in there as well, but it will take me some time.

Second, we now have zmember tags!!!!!!!! Anyone who is a contributor to the comm, be it drabbles, art, meta essays, crafts, vids, podfics, or whatever, may have one. Just comment here if you don't see your name already. (Mostly I just have participants from SnuSa 2011 and 2012.) If you had a zauthor tag before, it has been converted.

Also, in line with that, I changed the ztheme tags to just plain theme. I also added a couple (time travel and vampires). There is also a new "arts: crafts" tag. Feel free to use if any apply.

May the ship sail on!
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