The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 17th, 2012

November 17th, 2012

LJ comm Do_Me_Veela Prompt Claiming is open!

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Prompts here. This is the link to the "Slash" portion of the prompts, but you get the idea.

Claiming post here. (Once for fic, and once for art.)

Well, there are ambiguous prompts, and there even 3 or 4 Severus/Remus prompts, too! Here's to folks taking a chance, like I did last year. It's fun to stretch your writing wings, and if they happen to be Veela wings, well, hey! That's two birds, one stone thinking!

Psst! It would be awesome if someone did a werewolf-Veela hybrid... Just sayin'.

I have to find the claiming post, but y'all will know when I do!
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