The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 2nd, 2012

November 2nd, 2012

Snupin Santa assignments due, round 1, and other notes

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It's November 2. If you're new to Snupin Santa and you haven't turned in your gift yet, you're overdue and you need to get in contact with us at Snupin_Santa @ yahoo .com (logical spaces removed). Short extensions might be granted on a case-by case basis.

And let me give everyone a little hint to keep me and the elves from getting cranky - you're requesting an extension, not informing us of your new due date.

Past participants, you have 14 days to get your work in. I'm going to say this up-front: don't expect more than a short extension. I'm not nearly as cool as McKay or Cedar. I can't pull a fabulous pinch hit out of thin air AND get everything looked at and uploaded, even with help. Plan to be on-time. Anyone requesting a second extension will have to send in what you have so far along with the request.

All that said, don't get scared and clam up on us. People who stop communicating usually are not as bad off as they think they are. We can be as encouraging as we are tough, but only if you stay in touch. ^_^

Questions, issues? Ask away!

love, lore

Fic: The Dread of Vanished Shadows - for [info]lore - Happy (very belated) Birthday!

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Title: The Dread of Vanished Shadows
Rating: PG
Word count: ~ 5,950
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and her publishers; no money is being made with this fanfic.
Summary: Severus has always had nightmares, and he's always had to face them alone. After the war and his wife's death, Remus is in a nightmare of his own. But while not all nightmares vanish eventually, some are not meant to last.
Notes: Happy Birthday, dear [info]lore! I hope you'll like a little bit of h/c with our favourite HP men. I'd wanted to finish this on the 31st, but it turned from “let’s write a 500-word h/c ficlet” into this ;)

The Dread of Vanished Shadows
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