The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 31st, 2012

October 31st, 2012

Happy Halloween!

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Wishing a very Happy Birthday to [info]lore and to everyone else...

Happy Halloween!


Fic: As a Raven's Wing (5/?; PG)

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Title:As a Raven's Wing
Chapter: 5: "Mass Hysteria"
Author: Omni (rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: PG (for this chapter...later chapters may vary)
Warnings: Can be considered crack (though not the whacky sort), blatant and not-so-blatant comic book knock-offs, unbetaed
Prompts: Batman, costumes (by zhyn and azurerosa in chat, respectively)
Summary: Munin is a mysterious figure. A brilliant mind, he assists the Aurors on occasion, especially when dealing with the odder cases. No one knows who he really is, though. They only know him as the man in black flowing robes and a raven mask.
Word Count: 2k+
Note: Magical AU. Pretty much take the HP world, but remove the actual HP stories and replace them with tales like you'd see in the pages of a comic book.
Disclaimer: I own not the characters, merely the situations in which I'm placing them.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

The next night, on the Ministry's roof... )

The latest Snupin recs at LJ comm Crack_Broom

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The latest Snape/Lupin recs at LJ comm [info]crack_broom for the month:

1) Survivor League by Snegurochka_Lee
2) Aloha Means Hello and Good-bye by McKay
3) What Defines by Drachenmina
4) Traitors and Allies by Snegurochka
5) Hotel Transylvania by Ellid

1) Cruisin' by Zephre
2) Am I Supposed to Write Pa's Name Here? by maporan_gata

Fic & Art (i.e., Collaboration)
The Potions Master and the Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf by Shadowycat

It was a blast folks, doing this twice in one year! There were so many treasures to look over, and to enjoy once again. Many thanks to the authors and artists who have brightened my days and nights with their words and imagery.
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