The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 18th, 2012

October 18th, 2012

Note From Santa

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Hello from Santa,

Snupin Santa would like to remind everyone of the upcoming deadlines for the fest.

FIRST TIMERS: Participants, your creations are due Nov 1st. This is just two weeks away. Now is the time to let Santa know if you need an extension, or Merlin forbid, to drop. Remember, communication is key and the elves will go out of their way to help if you just drop them a line.

RETURNING GIFTERS: Participants, your creations are due Nov 15th. This is just under one month away. Now is the time to let Santa know if you need an extension, or Merlin forbid, to drop. Remember, communication is key and the elves will go out of their way to help if you just drop them a line.

Inquiries should be directed to snupin_santa AT yahoo DOT com or if it is a general question, you can comment here.

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