The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 28th, 2012

September 28th, 2012

Note From Santa

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A few things from Santa and the elves.

~It has come to our attention that Snupin Santa was a victim of a recent hacking. We apologize if you were caught up in this and received an unsolicited spam email from Santa. Rest assured we have taken care of the problem and hope that it will not occur again in the future.

~That said, we are still missing some replies from participants. PLEASE respond to your assignment letter as soon as possible. Santa has a fresh supply of coal and is ready to issue the lumps if he must work extra hard to track your down. Once again, please REPLY to your assignment letters ASAP.

~Last, we hope those of you that have responded are doing well with your assignments and if you have any questions, please do not to hesitate to contact the mods at snupin_santa AT yahoo DOT com or leave a comment here.

Thank you!
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