The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 11th, 2012

September 11th, 2012

Sign-ups, Prompting and Pimping!

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Take a moment and join us!
Sign-ups for 2012's Snupin Santa Multi-media fest are underway at both IJ and LJ.

Be certain to check out the rules post for the changes which can be found at IJ, LJ and DW

If you need a bit of help in making a decision in asking Santa for a gift, check out these IJ post or LJ post inspirations from seasons past. Mix and match or just pick a bit that appeals to you, these examples are here for the taking or inspiring of your own.

Decorations-Gone-Wild. They have developed a mind of their own, and they are surprisingly pervy. Could be art or fic!

Remus or Severus brings his new partner home to meet the family.

Marauder-era. During Christmas celebrations, Remus catches Severus spying through the windows at Godric's Hollow (a la The Little Matchgirl) at the happy Potter family. Can Remus give Severus enough incentive to turn away from the love he lost and find a future with the love he doesn't know he has?

New Prompts! Bring 'em on!
Also, if you have any current ideas you'd like to give away to good homes, feel free to comment on this post. Anyone can offer prompts, even those not signing up this year. Reply here as many times as you're inspired to!

If you want to look for ideas on our sister communities, visit:
New prompting at LiveJournal
New prompting at DreamWidth

Need help or encouragement - Chat!
Don't forget to visit the chat room in the afternoons and evenings EST to chat about prompts with fellow shippers.

Spread The Snark and Bark!
If you have a moment to pimp the fest to your flist, please do. Your help will be greatly appreciated, and the fest will get even more wonderful participants. Also, let me know in comments or by PM if you can volunteer to pimp the fest at a few other comms as well. Pimping banners coming up soon!

Snupin Santa Pimping Banners!

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Pimping Banners!

The elves here at [info]lupin_snape would like to thank [info]knowmefirst and these fantastic artists for their contribution to the gorgeous banners; Ca_Cha, Frank_d, Manira, Lenap, Rolcas, Jazzy, and Xsilver_bloodx!

Under the cut, there are more banners and the pre-coded HTML tables to spread the word. You can also save them to your own space by right clicking on the image then choose Save As.

More Banners )
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