The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 26th, 2012

August 26th, 2012

Quickie mod post, including Snupin Santa prompt changes & Volunteer email request

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1. Don't forget to sign up for the Remix fest. If anyone is feeling like taking on some drabbles, any of mine in my fic memories on IJ or LJ that isn't a collaboration are also available to you. It would be an afternoon's work to rewrite 100 words, and don't forget that there's some drabbles available to you on the sign-up post.

2. If you said you'd help out with Snupin Santa, please send me an email with your preferred email address to lupinsnape @ (no spaces). I'll write you once via LJ if you said you would help and I don't have an email from you. After that, you're off the hook! I have numerous volunteer positions open along a variety of skills, so don't be shy!

3. Snupin Santa prompts need to be diverse, prolific, and short. If you want to start preparing for sign-ups, think less than 100 words per prompt, 2 art prompts, 5 fic prompts, all along a range of ideas. So, not all AUs or ARs or crossovers, not all angst or all comedy. And you will need to put in all 7 prompts, but they can still be in desired order. Streamline your sign-up as much as you can.

If you're wondering why the change, the poll indicated that our numbers might end up to be just over 30 people. Still a nice exchange, but the fewer people involved, the harder it is to match people with highly specific requests. Think flexible. Think fun and holidays. In the past we've been laser-focused on giving the perfect, highly detailed, gift to each other, which worked when we had 50 or more people participating. Now is the time to remember that our gifts to each other also entertain hundreds of others. The participants will be giving the gift of Snape/Lupin to the whole community for the holiday season, which will work best if there's not too many tough matches.

In other words, I want to keep everyone who signs up around, and if I have to shoe-horn a bunch of matches, we'll probably end up with a lot of troubled creators and pinch hitters. Let's take it easy on each other come prompting time. And all this said, feel free to start writing up your prompts now. I might not give a whole week for sign-ups. ~_^

love, lore
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