The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 14th, 2012

June 14th, 2012

Fic Rec: From the Mixed-Up Files of Lord Voldemort [NC17] by Balfrog

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Title: From the Mixed-Up Files of Lord Voldemort
Author: Pompilia Prunesqualor (backup) a.k.a. Pompilia_P the nom de plume of Balfrog.
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A reluctant Snape tries out experimental potions on Lupin. Sirius Black watches.
Warnings: slash, fingering, public sex(?), spanking, oral sex, voyeurism, MPREG
Length: ca. 5000 words

Why people should read this: Draco Malfoy makes a cameo, one with petulant overtones, Severus conducts a "potions experiment" under the watchful eyes of the rest of the Hogwarts' faculty, and Sirius Black's portrait makes you want to cast a Silencio on it. This fic makes one wonder just what those Hogwarts professors got up to when Severus and Remus weren't there!

There's a lovely feeling of Remus being the soul of inadvertent romance and Severus the harbinger of not just a potion-fueled cure for lycanthropy. I grinned through almost all of this lovely fic. It's always fun to find a gem from another year, this time 2005, and another fest, the LJ comm known as [info]reversathon.

One of my favorite quote portions: So, are you sure about this? )


A gem! A pure, lovely gem of a Snupin witnessed by a great many folks. Go forth and enjoy!

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