The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 12th, 2012

March 12th, 2012

Master & Wolf archive: Comfort Fic for the Snupinteer

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Just wanted to drop a line. When I need a soothing bit of fic, there are many places to go, but the one that I found--before [info]lupin_snape--was The Master and Wolf FQF.

Back in the day, and filled with jossed stories of Severus being a Pureblood and the like, and yet, they are comforting to me, like warm flannel on a cold night, or a gently waving fan on a heated one.

The very first Snupin Fest I ever participated in, too. So, here's to old friends who make me wibble, make me laugh, and most of all, give me comfort when I need it.
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