The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 27th, 2011

September 27th, 2011

RL/SS links

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Okay, as some of you may remember, we have two accounts dedicated to RL/SS recs: the Snupin Library and the Snupin Thematic Lists. When I got the email about needing to accept the new TOS because had been bought out, I updated both accounts so we wouldn't lose anything.


I checked both accounts this morning and nearly had a heart attack because there were no links listed for either account. I logged in to the Snupin Library account, and thankfully, the links were there. But they had all been locked. When they were public before.


I searched for a way to mass-unlock all the entries, but I couldn't find one, so I went through and manually unlocked all 185 entries at the Snupin Library account, so our library of classic RL/SS recs is back in business.

The thematic lists account is going to be a little more problematic because when I logged in, I found its links had been privatized as well. All 728 of them.

Also? The tags are gone. So all that lovely, careful categorization I did that would allow people to search the links by theme, genre, author, rating, etc is undone. It's just a mish-mash of links.

At this point, I have no idea what - if anything - to do with the thematic list account. It's totally borked, and I don't have the time to devote to trying to recreate it. There's no organization in the library account either, but at least that one is short enough to browse without tags or stacks or whatever-the-hell they're supposed to be now, so it's still usable and useful.

If someone else wants to attempt to unlock and wrangle 728 links into submission, I'll give them access to the account and point them to the "fic search" tag on the community, because IIRC, most of the thematic lists came from the theme searches I did once a month on both LJ and IJ (so you'd have to check the tag at both comms) back in 2008-2009. Otherwise, the thematic list account is going to remain closed.

BLU2: Silent Longing/I Have Never

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Our next piece will be posted on or before Thursday. Actually, I hope to start a 30k epic tomorrow. There is no set posting schedule.

Title: Silent Longing/I Have Never
Artist/Author: Ghot/Kinky_Kneazle
Rating: Art and Story - NC17
Word Count: ~5600
Summary (art): Remus and Snape are laying on a bed. Snape is sleeping, Remus is... not.
Summary (story): During the first war there is very little that Remus has not been forced to do.

Mod Notes: Ghot's fantastic line work and lighting never fail to impress, especially in setting a mood for this piece. She's also been an invited member of the Daily_Deviant community, and some of the skills she exercised there are "on display" here. Hee! Kinky_Kneazle has been a member of this community for as long as I can remember. She always makes an impression, and I think you'll find this piece as unforgettable as her other works.

love, lore
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