The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 23rd, 2011

September 23rd, 2011

Snupin Santa Cheerleading

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Hi Snupin Santa Participants and Fans!

I know you are all having a blast reading the amazing entries at BLU2. What a great fall and winter this will be for Snupin, with so much great new work being produced. Happy 10th Anniversary, indeed!

All of you creating for Snupin Santa have now had a few weeks to settle in with your prompts. I can just feel all of the creative work happening to fulfill these wishes: outlines being written, stories being drafted, sketches being made, art being created. We even have received our first submission already! Wow.

This is merely a cheerleading post to encourage you on. "Go, Write, Draw, Create!"

If you need anything, feel free to email snupin_santa @ anytime. You will either hear back from me or from the fabulous kopernik who is helping out with email.

Remember that the deadlines are November 1 for new participants and November 15 for returning participants. I cannot wait!

"Go, Write, Draw, Create!"

BLU2: Japan/The Tale of the Tengu Prince and the Wolf, complete

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Next post will be Saturday or Sunday. There's no set posting schedule.

Title: Japan/The Tale of the Tengu Prince and the Wolf
Artist/Author: Karasu_hime/Omni
Rating: Art - PG, Story - NC17
Word Count: ~24,000, total
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a Wolf from a faraway land who found his way into Japan at a time of great turmoil and conflict. He took sanctuary within a Buddhist temple, where he met a mysterious Tengu Prince with jet black eyes and a steel-sharp tongue. (or: The Harry Potter series abridged and retold in feudal Japan...with slash)

Mod Notes: Hey, artists and writers, don't forget, if you have a BLU account, you can reply to comments. Someone asked me about it today and I wanted to make sure you all remembered that.

Also, readers, don't forget, you can click the printer icon on the top left of stories to see the story as a whole for saving or printing.

love, lore
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