The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 22nd, 2011

September 22nd, 2011

BLU2: Japan/The Tale of the Tengu Prince and the Wolf

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The story portion of this entry will be completed with two more chapters tomorrow. There's no set posting schedule.

Title: Japan/The Tale of the Tengu Prince and the Wolf
Artist/Author: Karasu_hime/Omni
Rating: Art - PG, Story - NC17
Word Count: 2 chapters at ~10,300, story total - ~20,000
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a Wolf from a faraway land who found his way into Japan at a time of great turmoil and conflict. He took sanctuary within a Buddhist temple, where he met a mysterious Tengu Prince with jet black eyes and a steel-sharp tongue. (or: The Harry Potter series abridged and retold in feudal Japan...with slash)

Mod Notes: Karasu_hime has been a member of Lupin_Snape...forever! She's been the community's most consistent fan artist because of her longevity. With two more pieces to come from Karasu, I'll have a few more chances to gush about her. Then again, it's hard not to also gush about Omni (better known as Omni_sama). She's been with the community several years as well, and she's a graced us with both art and her inspired writing. We'll see the flip side of her creativity with her art entry later this month.

love, lore

P.S. Community Members, have I told you lately how much I love you? Comments have been strong for both the stories and art. Please keep it up - most of the artists and writers have been waiting forever for you to see their work. ♥!
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