The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 12th, 2011

September 12th, 2011

BLU2: Card/Sleepless in Scarborough

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Our next piece will be posted Wednesday, September 14. There is no set posting schedule.

Title: Card/Sleepless in Scarborough
Artist/Author: Shadowycat/Snapealina
Rating: Art - G, Story - PG13
Word Count: 9808
Summary: Remus spends a sleepless night in a Muggle hotel in Scarborough. He has a lot to think about and not enough time.

Mod Notes: Shadowycat participated in our first BLU as an artist and author. this round, she has three additional pieces of art still to come! Snapealina is from Norway and has been a huge help to me in getting the BLU up and running. Please be sure to lavish praise on both of them! ^_^

love, lore
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