The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 11th, 2011

September 11th, 2011

Fic Reposts: "New York Minute," NC-17; "Body Art," NC-17;

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I've fallen way behind on my Year of Snupin writing - I'm writing a regular column for a couple of blogs and my time is limited. So I offer this, my first well known fic. Please forgive me if this seems exploitative - I did my best, and I pray that this doesn't offend those who were in New York on that awful day ten years ago.

Title: New York Minute
Rating: NC-17 for violence, terrorism, and sex
Warnings: this fic is set on and around the September 11th, 2001 attacks in New York City. It may be too much for people who were in or around New York that day.
Summary: One of the Order's own is caught up in a terrorist attack.

New York Minute


Here is a mini-sequel set a couple of days later, while Remus and Severus are still in New York:

Title: Body Art
Rating: NC-17
Warning: tattoos, explicit sex, and references to terrorism
Summary: Remus decides to celebrate being alive after surviving an unspeakable tragedy.

Body Art


And here is a fic set a year later.

Title: Delayed Reaction
Rating: R
Summary: It's been a year, and Remus is finally reacting to the trauma of September 11th.

Delayed Reaction
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