The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 30th, 2011

June 30th, 2011

Ficlet: Awakening, PG

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This ficlet is sort of a teaser for a planned longer fic. In order to make the deadline for Decade of Snupin, I decided to post this first scene and follow up with the main fic as a sequel next month.

Title: Awakening
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count: ~280
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.
Author's note: Semi-DH compliant, with a few twists.
Summary: Remus dies and is ready to move on, but someone isn't ready to let him go yet.

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Decade challenge - last chance to catch up!

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Today's the last day you can catch up on your Decade of Snape/Lupin Challenge. Last day to jump in with 7 entries, or make up those missing months. There will be no more second chances. And remember, winners can direct money to the charity of their choice within reason. Need a link? Check the IJ and LJ community side-bars.

BLU is...coming along? If it helps, posting, when it starts, will be slow so you all can enjoy the art and fics more thoroughly, rather than it all going up at once. I hope that will make up for the extra time it's taking.

Hope everyone is having a terrific Summer or Winter! *HUGS COMMUNITY*

love, lore

Fic post: "Family Favorites," PG

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Title: Family Favorites
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4 x 100
Note: this is a Motherless Child story, set soon after Severus and Remus have become lovers in the fall of 2001. It began as a set of drabbles on Snape100 with the challenge "Cookery."

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Fic: A Bookworm

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Title: A Bookworm
Author: [info]sitruunavohveli
Characters: Severus/Remus, Hermione
Rating: R
Summary: Hermione is being extremely nosy!
Word Count: ~1,000
Notes: I would have liked to get this betaed before posting, but since I’m lazy (and busy! I don’t have time to do anything like that!) I’m just posting it right away. Feel free to point out any mistakes you notice. This was supposed to be a drabble but ended being a ficlet so… Ehm. Meep?

A Bookworm )

Title: Image Puzzle

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Title: Image Puzzle
Artist: DAN
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Snupin (probably …)
Rating: R (really?)

Here is Image Puzzle from DAN, I’m posting them on her behalf : )
If you enjoy DAN’s work, comments would be always welcome, I could pass them to her : )
Thank you!

NSFW *fluttering hands* Whew! Done! BTW, I love Lupin_Snape folks!

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NSFW. Image heavy thank you to the Snupinteers in my life!  )

Two drabbles

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Title: Drabbles
Author: [info]sitruunavohveli
Rating: PG13

Notes: So I found a few old drabbles from a drabble night I haven’t posted here yet. Enjoy!

Drabbles )

LMOM 2011:Somewhere underneath your skin

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Title: Somewhere underneath your skin
Author: [info]sitruunavohveli
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Severus, Remus/others
Challenge: Lusty Month of May 2011
Summary/notes: This was supposed to be Remus/everybody but turned out to be more Snupin than I intended(the reason why I'm posting here). Unbetaed so please feel free to point out any mistakes! I wrote this for LMOM2011 challenge but ran out of story at ~14,000 so I post it now. Congratulations to everyone who actually made the whole month! Hopefully I will try it again next year (and with better success). Enjoy!

Fake cuts lead to my Dreamwidth account, but it is okay if you want to comment to this post. :)

Part 1: There's just so many things that I can't touch
Part 2: Nothing promised, no regrets
Part 3: Everybody's looking for something
Part 4: Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile
Part 5: I walked with you once upon a dream
Part 6: Still I write my songs about that dream of mine
Part 7: I can't believe that I stayed till today
Part 8: Your face saving promises whispered like prayers
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