The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 4th, 2011

May 4th, 2011

Snupin at DiaCon Alley!

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I announced this once before, but it was some time back and on a weekend to boot. I'm posting again for those who might have missed it and/or only just decided to attend DiaCon.

There will be a Snupin meet-up at DiaCon Alley! If you're a Snape/Lupin fan who plan to be at DiaCon, go join and watch [info]diacon_snupin so you don't miss out.

There's an introductory post up here so you can all see what I'd ideally like to see for the meet-up -- if we can get enough shippers on board!

Snupin fans not attending DiaCon, you can still help to make the meet-up memorable for your fellow shippers! We'd love it if you could contribute fic, art, goody bag items, etc. This is the best ship I've ever seen in terms of giving to/doing things for each other, so I suspect a few of you will want to pitch in. You can read the post linked above for more ideas and info if you're interested.

Join [info]diacon_snupin, and I'll see you at DiaCon Alley!

A DECADE OF SS/RL: Puzzle - Word Morph

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Snupin Word Morph

Hi there, for this months entry I made a little word game for you.

Your task is to morph "SNAPE" into "LUPIN" by changing one letter in the starting word to form a new word. Repeat the process until you spell the ending word.

It is possible to solve the puzzle in ten, eleven and twelve moves.

Snupin Word Morph )
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