The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 30th, 2011

March 30th, 2011

Rec list: Snupin-as-children fics

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For this month's Decade of Snape/Lupin entry, I thought I'd do a rec post with a slightly unusual theme: Snupin as children. Of course there are plenty of Marauders-era fics with a teenage Snape and Lupin falling in love and/or fighting their attraction to each other, but I was thinking more of stories where they're just entering Hogwarts. I could only think of two stories that fall into this category, but I really loved both of them. They're more pre-slash or friendship fics than romance (Snupin gen, if that's not a contradiction in terms?), but there's something very sweet about a young Severus and Remus meeting for the first time and forming a bond of friendship--which perhaps could turn into something more as they grow older.
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