The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 18th, 2011

March 18th, 2011

Fic: Unwitting Voyeur (NC17)

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Title: Unwitting Voyeur
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~1,500
Kinks: voyeurism, wanking, fingering, dildo-ing
Warnings: none! this is positively fluffy!
Summary: Remus checks on Snape in his own quarters, and sees something he shouldn't.
Notes: 'drabble' written for the snupin chat. Got a little too into it!
Disclaimer: If they were mine, I wouldn't have to write porn to cheer myself up. I'd be writing porn because it's porn. :3

He really shouldn't be watching.

BLU2 (Snape/Lupin Big Bang) news update

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Artists have been given a "do or die" deadline of Saturday afternoon, March 19. My plan is to get up and start matching, so anything not in my inbox when I wake up isn't going to be in the Bang.

I sent a personal email to every artist who expressed interest in creating for the Bang. If you are an artist with work not turned in, and you didn't receive an email from the mod account (lupinsnape at gmail), please check your spam filters or contact me here.

Writers, you should receive a match via e-mail by Sunday, March 20. Um, this means I could use your e-mail address on your sign-up post. OOPS. An address that can accept attachments, too. Could you please go back and add emails? Replies to your original post will be fine.

Then could take the opportunity to update your sign-up, now that writing is near. As expected, the art has ranged from a gentle G to erotic NC-17, but there's nothing anyone would consider *extreme* turned in yet. Any more information you can give me about your preferences for writing will be welcome. The art turned in already is highly diverse and, I think, will be great inspiration!

Right now, I have as many writers for the pieces already turned in, so it looks like I will likely need a few more writers. If you were wondering if you should jump in, there's still time. Please add your email address to your sign-up post. Heh.

The writing deadlines remain the same, April 15 for drafts (a month from assignment) and May 1 for Final submissions.

Looking for more BLU information or the sign-up posts or sign-up and submission information? You can use either the IJ or LJ BLU2 post:

BTW, for anyone curious, we had more artists sign up on IJ and more writers sign-up on LJ. Interesting, right?

Any questions or needs? Feel free to reply or write the mod mail! Finally, if any writer needs to get started NOW, please let me know, I'll send you an assignment from work already in.

love, lore


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We've got people in chat writing and finishing up their art entrees for the BLU, company is welcome as always! :D


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Title: Voyeurism
Summary: PWP ficlit written in chat during a request for porny drabbling
Pairings: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: If you think any of these characters are mine please tell me what world you live in so I can move there posthaste! This was an improv porn chat bunny so there is little to no plot. My first posted PWP!
Rating: Nc-17
Warnings/kinks: Un-betaed, Voyeurism, wanking, sex toy usage
Author: [info]azure_rosa

Voyeurism )
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