The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 10th, 2011

January 10th, 2011

Fic: Ever After (G)

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Title: Ever After
Author: Omni (aka rip_von_christ)
Rating: G
Warning: beta?
Pairing: Remus/Severus,
Summary: It may not be what Severus had always envisioned his life to be, but then again...he hadn't really envisioned himself alive after the war.
Purpose: Snape's Birthday. Here ya go, Sev. I'm like...three minutes late, my time...but it's still your birthday somewhere.
Note: Canon-compliant except that Severus and Remus didn't...well...die. :p Also, used Azurerosa's prompts: "Animals in the house," "Why I put up with you," and "Why do I put up with you?" that she graciously gave me in chat.

(Would you care for a slice of life? How 'bout three?)

Drabble: To Start As You Mean To Go On, Snape/Lupin, G

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Title: To Start As You Mean To Go On
Author: [info]cordeliadelayne
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Notes: Written for [info]lupin_snape's celebration of 10 years of Snape/Lupin! Takes place after Season's Greetings.


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At a Distance

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Summary: At a distance, Severus is assured of Remus Lupin’s constancy, no matter what.
Challenge: [info]severus_sighs Severus’ 51st Birthday Kink!night
Word Count: 1,241
Genre: Flirts with canon; After Dumbledore’s “murder”; Grey!Snape; D/s; EWE
Highlight for Warnings: * Manipulator!Snape; Voyeur!Snape; Established D/s relationship; Object insertion; Sex Magic; Masturbation; Solo Sex in a semi-public place; Clothed Sex *
A/N: Happy birthday, Severus Snape!
Written for Severus_Sighs Kink!night 2011

Severus Snape has plans laid for his betterment and victory.

Fic: And Sometimes Darkness, part 5, SS/RL, R

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Title: And Sometimes Darkness
Author/Artist: undun
Rating: mature/adult content, R
Pairing(s)/character(s): Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Nymphadora Tonks, Harry et al.
Summary: After the War against the Dark Lord, some are left behind. Not forgotten by everyone, as Severus Snape finds out.
Disclaimer: Not-for-profit fan creation.
Warnings: I hate warnings. There may be unpleasant stuff in here. There, that’s it. Anything else would be a spoiler.
Notes: A story that didn’t begin its life as an AU, but is now certainly in that category.
Words: 2,054

And Sometimes Darkness, part 5 )

Fic: And Sometimes Darkness, part 6, SS/RL, R

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Title: And Sometimes Darkness
Author/Artist: undun
Rating: mature/adult content, R
Pairing(s)/character(s): Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Nymphadora Tonks, Harry et al.
Summary: After the War against the Dark Lord, some are left behind. Not forgotten by everyone, as Severus Snape finds out.
Disclaimer: Not-for-profit fan creation.
Warnings: I hate warnings. There may be unpleasant stuff in here. There, that’s it. Anything else would be a spoiler.
Notes: A story that didn’t begin its life as an AU, but is now certainly in that category.
Words: 1,947

And Sometimes Darkness, part 6 )

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Title: Oak Leaves and Oranges
Rating: R
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Challenge: Severus' B-day

Word Count: 1,264

Disclaimer: Not mine, no money made.  No harm, no foul.
Warnings: Unbeta'd.  Fluffy.

A/N: Happy b-day Sev… sorry it's late!  I blame Comcast!




Fic/Art Rec: Exile

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Hello all! For my first post to this comm, I bring you the most awesome bit of Lupin/Snape fic and art ever!

Title: Exile on [info]snapelyholidays
Artist/Author: To be Revealed
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Rating: All Ages
Media: Ballpoint on Paper, Gimp
Content info: First War AU, Original Order/Death Eater: the Teenage Years, suspenders, glasses, Snape (and Lupin) being shouty and sneaky and not liking the future Dumbledore's prepared for them. Includes unexplained prior Snupin. Much talking and no smut, alas.
Summary: After Halloween in 1981, Remus Lupin takes a detour to Hogwarts before leaving the country, determined that he's not going to lose the only loved one he has left.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Why I'm Reccing This: This is probably the most ambitious thing I've ever seen. It is a comic comprised of 31 panels that creates a story so exquisite that you feel as if you've just read an epic novel. The artist captures so much emotion in every panel that you just want to weep and shout with joy. This is the story that should have happened. It's amazing and I urge you all to go now and immerse yourselves in it.

Fic: And Sometimes Darkness, part 7, SS/RL, R

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Title: And Sometimes Darkness, part 7
Author/Artist: undun
Rating: mature/adult content, R
Pairing(s)/character(s): Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Nymphadora Tonks, Harry et al.
Summary: After the War against the Dark Lord, some are left behind. Not forgotten by everyone, as Severus Snape finds out.
Disclaimer: Not-for-profit fan creation.
Warnings: I hate warnings. There may be unpleasant stuff in here. There, that’s it. Anything else would be a spoiler.
Notes: A story that didn’t begin its life as an AU, but is now certainly in that category.
Words: 1,877

ETA: Sorry, guys -- that was the unedited version of chapter 7 that went up. Replacing with the real deal now.

And Sometimes Darkness, part 7 )
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