The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 7th, 2011

January 7th, 2011

Mod post: Recs, both Snupin Santa & Crack Broom, Snape's Birthday

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It's never too late to make some recs. A just made a huge post of [info]snupin_santa recs here, for example. I know the reveals are upon us, but reccing doesn't have to end with the reveals! In fact, I will continue to monitor the rec posts and send hot recs to the newsletters if you'll keep reccing and using them even after the reveals. LJ rec post || IJ rec post

Last chance for the guessing polls!

The Crack_Broom has moved Snape/Lupin back to permanent posting status. Huzzah! Ellid is reccing Snape/Lupin there this month. Those of you who signed up to rec can check out where you stand in the Big Queue here. If anyone is anxious to move up in the queue, I have May of this year and would be happy to drop back, especially for someone who's never recced there before.

Snape's Birthday is January 9. As usual, it snuck up on me! Stealthy Snape! I'll be opening a discussion topic or two that day, so we'll celebrate by making Severus' ears burn. Be thinking of/finding links to your favourite Snape-centric works!

It's Reposting and Commenting Month - don't forget!

love, your spasdic mod lore

Snupin Santa 2010 Master List!

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Here it is - the master list of gifts posted in the Snupin Santa 2010 Fest! Gifts are listed in the order in which they were posted.

Snupin Santa 2010 Master List )

Additional gift icons )

Now that the master list is up, I'm going to work on switching the gifts to the creator's account at the Snupin Santa website. I'm not sure how long it will take, but I'll let everyone know when I'm finished. In addition to being able to edit your stories/art at the site, you'll receive comment notifications for new feedback if you've turned on that option for your account, and you'll be able to respond to feedback left in response to the story/art.

If you want your story/art switched to your account, you need to let me know what your account name on the Snupin Santa site is ASAP, especially if it's different from your IJ/LJ ID. If you've participated in PREVIOUS years and want any stories/art from 2005-2009 switched to your account, leave a comment identifying which stories you want switched with a link.

Also, if you have not said thank you for your gift yet, PLEASE DO SO. Someone did their best to create something, and it deserves to be acknowledged in some way, even if it's just "Thank you, I appreciate the effort you made for me".

Thanks again to all participants, pinch hitters, readers, reccers, and commenters! Double thanks to [info]kopernik, [info]real_life_rosy, and [info]lore for helping out this year! Snupin Santa 2010 produced some wonderful stories and art, and I'm proud that it was a successful fest.

See you again for Snupin Santa 2011!

Timeline of Events for Snupin Santa 2011:
August 25-September 2 - Sign ups for Snupin Santa 2011 will be open.
September 9 - All assignments will be distributed no later than this date.
November 1 - Due date for first time participants.
November 15 - Due date for returning participants.
December 1 - Posting begins
December 24-25 - No gifts will be posted.
December 30 - Posting ends.
January 7, 2012 - The master list of gifts and who created them will be posted, aka The Big Reveal.

Ho, ho, ho!
Snupin Santa

Thank you

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Thank you to all Snupin Santa helpers (mods/artists/writers) for bringing us so much fun during the holidays.

The icon:

The movie poster:

Movie Poster )You want it? Take it.
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