The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 15th, 2010

September 15th, 2010

October Challenge: Spooky Snupin!

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We're doing something a little different this October: a Spooky Snupin challenge! I'll post all the details later in the month; right now, we just need prompts.

For this challenge, the theme is "spooky", so anything you can think of that's spooky can be used as a prompt! You may leave as many prompts as you like! They don't have to be designated for stories or art.

Examples of prompts you can offer include...

- titles of horror movies/books/tv shows ("horror" is used loosely here and can include anything from Goosebumps to sci-fi)

- quotes from horror movies/books/tv shows

- Cross-overs with horror movies/books/tv shows. Ex: "Remus and Severus are the victims of a magical portal spell gone wrong and find themselves on board the Nostromo."

- AU/AR set in a horror movie/book/tv show world. Ex: "Non-magical AU. Remus is one of Buffy's Scoobies; Severus is a newly turned vampire. What happens when they meet in a graveyard one dark night?"

- any general horror plot or cliche. Ex: "Zombie invasion on Hogwarts!"

- anything related to Halloween, such as costumes, folklore, urban legends, traditions, etc.

- spooky settings

- any specific horror/spooky/Halloween bunnies you'd like to share.

This is going to be a inspiration-based challenge, not a challenge about fulfilling a request like the Fantasy Fest, so your prompts don't need to be lengthy, detailed, or specific. If you want to contribute a prompt as short as "Autumn leaves", that's fine! If you want to give more detailed info, that's fine too! Just remember that the author/artist won't be writing/drawing specifically for you and might take it in a different direction than you had in mind.

Comments will be screened, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'll unscreen any comments with questions so others can see the answer if they have questions too.

New prompts will be accepted through September 25.
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