The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 30th, 2010

March 30th, 2010

Mod Post: Snupin Showers sign-ups continue

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Snupin Showers is coming to the [info]lupin_snape communities this April.

We still need people to sign up for days, so please visit either the LiveJournal or InsaneJournal posts to claim a day to make Snupin-y in your own special way. I'm still hoping we'll get 30 different people signed up before Thursday.

If you've been away from the community for a while, April would be a good month to peek back in. It also would be a great month to get involved again, if only for one day, and it would be wonderful to see some of you over here again!

We need 11 more people to make our 30 people for 30 days; we can do it, right? Go Team Snupin! ♥

love, lore
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