The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 3rd, 2010

February 3rd, 2010

Romantic Art Rec: Shameless by Rosivan on LJ [R] ~~ NWS

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The artist, Rosivan, posted this gorgeous multi-panel piece last year during the LJ comm hpvalensmut's celebration, on 2009-02-22.

Rating: Hard R, NWS
Warnings: Masturbation

Why I recommend it: Severus Snape's body language is so stiff at the beginning, so in-character, while Remus' is open and inviting. The shift from standoffishness to acceptance takes several panels, a slow, steady reveal of emotions and bodies.

What I saw: Muted hues felt as if they were images in the clouds. The body language was fluid and open, a lover's invitation to touch and explore. All without words.

January's repost fic

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I wrote this fic and posted it before, can't remember where. It needed some work(a lot),I rewrote it and found a wonderful beta Book7BrokeMyBrain. Without whom I could never have been able to rewrite and post this story. Anyway enough of my rambling. I hope my formatting is correct, it's been about 2 years since I posted anything with a cut link.

Title: Deep in your mind.
Author: rookiesnupinfan
Rating: pg-13
Disclaimer: Not for profit, If you recognize any person, place or thing I don't own them.
Warnings: Self-harm, death(not Snape or Lupin), dark fic.
Summary: Severus and Harry must help Remus before it's to late.

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