The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 8th, 2010

January 8th, 2010

Snape's Birthday!

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In honor of Severus Snape's 50th birthday, the Severus Big Bang has gone live, so all the stories and art are available for consumption! The master list of stories is here, and the master list of art and crafts is here.

There are four RL/SS offerings, available by tag here:

Art: A Bit of Whimsey: Snape and Lupin knitted dolls made by snapesgirl_62
Art: Snape Bear with incomplete Lupin Bear: knitted bears made by McKay
Story: Dawn of a New Day, by sweetmelodykiss
Story: Polyjuice Mayhem, by snapealina

Also, lore asked me to remind everyone that Snape's birthday is January 9th, which is today for some people and tomorrow for others, depending on your time zone! Details on the Lupin-Snape Snape's Birthday Challenge are here. You have through the 9th to post your tributes to our favorite potions master!

Elsewhere, Severus Shorts is having a Brief Birthday Bash where you can celebrate as well!

Thank you, Kopernik!

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Title: My Daughter, the Pornographer
Fandom: Star Trek (with a hint of Harry Potter), hints of both TOS and the relaunch.
Pairings: Spock/Uhura, Snape/Lupin (yes, really), hints of Kirk/McCoy
Rating: PG
Summary: Leonard McCoy learns a shocking secret about his teenaged daughter.
Note: this is a thank you fic for Kopernik, for all her hard work on Snupin Santa. I hope this little look into the future pleases you.

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