The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 1st, 2010

January 1st, 2010

Thank you, mckay!

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Severus Snape looks back at his memories, and undoubtedly sees what a selfless lot of effort you put into the exchange this season.

Pensieve for mckay )

Thank you for all your work!

Thank you, kopernik

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Illustrious potions master, Severus Snape, prepares a brew that will make everyone confess what we know is true -- you did a fantastic job as moderator!

Veritaserum for kopernik )

Thank you very much!

Thank you, rosy!

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Remus Lupin banishes a dementor with the same ease and dedication that you eliminated every obstacle to a wonderful exchange!

Dementor for rosy )

Thank you very much!

snusa mod gift for mckay (i'd just spell 'si' wrong!!)

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Thank you so much for running the Snupin Santa fest! It was marvelous as always!! I didn't create the following art piece (it should be obvious!!).   The very generous and talented tbranch (on lj) did it. Happy Birthday, Happy New Year and thanks much again!!  I'll forward the original file at your discretion.

Please do not take and use this gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.


Thank you/birthday gift for McKay

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Title: Making a List and Checking it Twice
Pairing: Lupin/Snape, Hermione/Neville
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: mpreg, hermaphrodite!Snape, some sappiness, partially clothed sex.
Summary: It's their first Christmas together, and Remus wants to make it as memorable as possible for his pregnant mate.
Note: this is an outtake from "Of Mutual Benefit," a long Snape/Lupin mpreg I wrote for McKay a few years ago. I was looking around for prompts from Snusa and the other fests she signed up for, and found one that just seemed to fit with a crucial scene. I probably should have written this back then but I was under heavy deadline pressure for a conference paper and couldn't due to time constraints. Please accept this as a token of my gratitude for all that you do for fandom, especially Snupin Santa.

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