The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 16th, 2009

October 16th, 2009

Pumpkins and Spice and Everything Nice

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Title: Pumpkins and Spice and Everything Nice
Author: Josh Summers
Main Characters: Remus Lupin and Severus Snape
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Dumbledore holds a Halloween contest.
Word Count: 1741
Disclaimer: The characters herein are owned by J.K. Rowling. No copyright infringements are intended. No profit is made from this writing.
Beta: [info]sweetmelodykiss (proud mom)
Note: The names of the places that Remus visited to find his ingredients were made up by Josh.

Pumpkins and Spice and Everything Nice

Recipe: Mama C's Chicken and Dumplings, Oatmeal Cake

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Title: Hang 'em High

Author: Rosy (Me!)

Excerpt: Belladonna Creek was a tiny, two-horse town that only existed because of a lazy tributary curling off the Colorado River in Arizona. The watershed flooded part of the valley it rested in, leaving behind scrub and grassland which was perfect for grazing herds of cattle and sheep. The main town had only one street, lined by a grand total of eight buildings, two of which were dedicated to horses. The outlying lands belonged to ranchers and farmers, the biggest of which belonging to the Potters and the Malfoys. The town was a stop on a stage coach route running towards Phoenix, it had its own bank and post office, and it had one of the best Back East educated doctors for twenty miles.

Which the whole town was grateful for, Dominic Prince thought dryly. Especially when its fool Marshal got himself shot. Again.

Commentary: This story was all Diz's fault. :D She prompted me with Snupin Cowboys, and this is what came of it. These two recipes are down home, simple country recipes that cowboys would love.

Source: Family recipe. One of my faves.

Mama C's Chicken and Dumplings )

Oatmeal Cake )

Submitted by: real_life_rosy
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