The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 8th, 2009

August 8th, 2009

Fic Rec: "Strictus Snipe and a Cure for Writers’ Block"

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Title: Strictus Snipe and a Cure for Writers’ Block
Author: [info]rowen_r
Rating: PG
Summary: Romance, intrigue, and distinctly bad prose are unleashed on Hogwarts when the identity of the mysterious Gertrude Perkins is finally revealed.

This is one of the first Snupin stories that I read when I entered HP fandom and discovered the joy of Snupin, and while rereading it for this rec found it just as funny as I remembered it to be.

Originally posted in 2004, it was before the last two books came out, and there was still a sense of possibility for a happy ending back then that fics like this one had. It has classic snarky Snape and a mischievous Lupin, and their interactions are wonderfully portrayed.

This particular fic also has an added subplot of the fictional character "Strictus Snipe" and his romantic escapades in the form of popular Wizarding Romance Novels. The stories surrounding Strictus Snipe are also completely self-referential to the HP books, and feature other characters such as Romulus Vulpin, and my favourite, Lord Vol-au-vent.

If you're looking for something entertaining to read, with a clever Snape and a Lupin who never veers into pathetic territory but is instead a strong character in his own right, I highly recommend "Strictus Snipe and a Cure for Writers' Block" by [info]rowen_r

Excerpt under the cut )

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