The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 26th, 2009

April 26th, 2009

Chattin' today! & deadline reminders

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I'm hanging out in the chat room today and probably in the evenings all week. If you have any questions about [info]lupin_snape projects or need some help, feel free to come into the chat room or contact me in any way you know how.

The Snupin: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (BLU) writer's first-draft deadline and final sign-ups are on April 30, which is next Thursday, and the Fools challenge also ends on Thursday. If you need any cheerleading, support or encouragement, it's out here for you!

love, lore

Snape/Lupin BSG style, rated NWS

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Rating: NWS
Title: Kobal Walls

Kobal Walls

Needed: One Beta

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I will need a beta for my BLU fic in about a week. Said beta should be familiar with Judaism and/or the 1930s in Germany.

Please to leave questions here. Thanks.
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