The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 15th, 2009

April 15th, 2009

BLU participants, last calls, Chocolate & Asphodel, etc.

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We're getting down to the wire on the Snupin: Bigger, Longer and Uncut project. Our version of a Big Bang is looking quite strong as the April 30 first-draft and final sign-ups deadline approaches.

If you're not a part of the BLU projects, the links in the next two paragraphs won't work for you.

If you're out there working on story for BLU and you're close, now might be the time to click the link above and follow the steps to sign up. IF...IF there are any extensions given to the writers, it will only be given to those that are already committed to the project (and that's a big IF, so current writers, don't get your hopes up, muahahahaha). Current writers, there's a post about writing up scene lists here. You'll need to include a scene list with your draft submission.

If you're an artist that was thinking about signing up, now's the time! There are already two stories up for you to start in on, with an avalanche coming soon.

We definitely need more artists, so if anyone knows any artists, please feel free to point them toward the main BLU post or to the mod mail for questions.

A few writers have asked for Betas. If you feel confident that you can beta a long piece and work with the author closely and quickly (Final Draft Deadline is May 30), please feel free to mail me at the mod mail (lupinsnape @ - no spaces) and tell me your experience betaing or your beta style. One author has requested a beta who can speak German, so if that's you, you're needed!

If you're not working on the BLU project, don't forget that Chocolate and Asphodel 2 is underway as well. The story minimum there is only 3000 words, with a maximum of 20,000 words, plus there is the need for both black and white and colour art. At the post I linked, there is a link to a post that's locked to community members only. If you can't see it, you need to join the community, even if it's only briefly to get the specifics.

Finally, if neither project is for you, don't forget that you can always drabble or sketch up something foolish to help entertain and encourage the many writers and artists slaving away for the glory of our favourite men.

That's all I have for now! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. ♥

love, lore

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Am in chat tonight. It's echo-y in here. Will be writing and stuff. Anyone?
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