The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 10th, 2009

April 10th, 2009

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Title: The Firsts
Author: Margot/[info]midnight_birth.
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: R
Word Count: 4,292
Warnings: Scenes of sexual nature, mild violence, very light bondage, and some foul language. Both Snape’s and Remus’s deaths in DH are disregarded, as well as Remus’s ever-existing relationship with Tonks and consequences thereof.

Summary: After the War, and after Remus Lupin stumbles into his life, Severus Snape has a lot of firsts.

Author's Notes: This was written for [info]zephre in the awesome community [info]hp_summersmut. Considering I just signed up for the next round of it, I was reminded I should post my last year's submission. :)

The Firsts

Art: No Fool Like an Old Fool

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Title: No Fool Like an Old Fool
Rating: G
Characters: Severus Snape, John Constantine (with others...)
Summary: "To dead friends. Lord knows we've both got enough of them."
Notes: Because the lovely [info]lore posted the April challenge with scans of tarot cards, one of which was from the Vertigo tarot - our old friend John Constantine.
I've always wanted Snape to meet Constantine. And John, sot that he is, insisted it was in a pub (and at some point before the smoking ban came in).
Name all the dead friends and win a No-Prize. ;)

( To dead friends. Lord knows we've both got enough of them. )

Who is Lupin...who is Snape?

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This little ficlet, What if was very cute and brought up the question. What if there was a Snape or a Lupin amongst our authors?

So throw your thoughts out here.

Which author comes across as Severus to you and which author screams Remus?
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