The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 28th, 2009

March 28th, 2009

Resource poll results

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Thanks to everyone who filled out and/or left a comment on the RL/SS resource poll. It was very helpful in my decision-making process about where to go with some of the resources in question.

The reason I made the poll was because I'd seen some things that had made me wonder why I was bothering to maintain the resources if they weren't useful or being used. Hence, the poll. I wanted to get a better sense of which resources (of the ones I maintain) were being used.

I suspected that the Library and the wiki were the two being used least, which the poll bears out. I originally planned to stop updating those two resources (not delete them, just not update them), but some of the feedback showed that they are being used and are useful.

So here's where we stand:

[info]snupin_prophet - will continue on its weekly schedule.

The Themes List - will continue on its monthly schedule. Although bear in mind that it's my job to post a new theme search at the beginning of the month and to compile the links at the end of the month. It is NOT my job to hunt down links for the search. If I know of any off-hand, I'll certainly add them, but the success of the montly theme searches lies with the community, not with me. If you want the lists to be longer and more comprehensive, then you need to get me the links.

The RL/SS Library - will be updated, but not often. I think every couple of years will suffice, given that there are 186 stories by 75 different authors on the list already and that it's a lesser-used resource.

The RL/SS wiki - will be updated, although I'd like some help in keeping it updated. If you've been looking for a way to contribute to the ship, here's a golden opportunity! I'd like some help in updating certain pages, so if you're interested, drop me a comment. More than one volunteer would be great, so don't feel like you can't volunteer to help if someone has already commented.
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