The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 29th, 2009

March 29th, 2009

[info]quibbler_report PSA

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Due to the limited appearances lately of Snape/Lupin content in fandom-wide recsletters (beyond the snupin_prophet digest), [info]quibbler_report -- a daily recsletter for rarepair and genfic and art -- has decided to begin including Snape/Lupin on our list of rec-able pairings (ie: a "rarepair", for our purposes) -- at the discretion of the day's editor.

For fic, we are most likely to rec one-shots (only because our editors rarely have time to read multi-chapter works in the time they have on a single day to compile an issue), but they should be longer than drabbles or ficlets. We are looking to rec high-quality pieces free from grammar errors and with reasonable plot and characterisation achievements. This is all, of course, up to the editor. Art is also welcome.

We are not officially watching the [info]lupin_snape comm because of the high volume of posts here. But I wanted to invite authors, artists, and lurkers to send us links to Snape/Lupin content that they think we might have missed. You can leave a comment on the most recent issue of the recsletter at LJ (here) or email us at

Thank you!
~the Snupin-friendly QR editors


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hi there everyone. I just joined this asylum, im a member already on livejournal, as mrscake_akajane, im mid writing story so i'll post it soon. i love to be challanged, so feel free. i do have two on the go, but i love to write i do need a beta, as i have a problem with my dislexia hammpering my thought prossess's.

i love to chat so you can message me as much as you like.
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