The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 2nd, 2009

March 2nd, 2009

Fic: Red Serpent (3/12)

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Title: Red Serpent (3/12)
Author/Artist: [info]skitty_kat
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: death, destruction, sex, violence, torture and a gratuitous explosion or two. Yikes.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and associated characters belong to JK Rowling. James Bond was created by Ian Fleming.
Word Count: 2685 (31881 overall)
Summary: Remus Lupin is a spy, one of British Intelligence's finest, and this may be his most deadly mission yet. Armed with only his native wit and courage and assisted by the enigmatic and magnetic Severus Snape he must penetrate deep into Communist Russia to bring down the powerful Lord Voldemort.
A/n: This fic contains illustrations, set in the appropriate places within the text. Love to [info]drachenmina for the fabulous beta.
Chapter One: M's Man - Chapter Two: A Bar With A Reputation

( Chapter Three: Dinner For Two )

Beta Help Requested

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Hi, I need a beta for a snupin story. It's currently 31k+ in length and probably heavier on plot than smut. I really need someone who's good with punctuation, and who's willing to discuss plot points, offer any needed criticism, and generally keep me headed in the right direction. Thanks so much. :)

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Snupin: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut is still ongoing. We have exactly two months until the first drafts are due on stories. That's still plenty of time to sign up as an artist or author! In fact, we already have our first story in, and the artists are mulling over their options as you read!

You can help us recruit by displaying one of the following banners, buttons or icons on your journals and other posts around fandom where such advertisements are allowed. The too wonderful [info]omni_sama created both the art and the final products for all of us to use!


There's more under the cut, with instructions on how the images can be used! )

Thanks, everyone, for all your help and enthusiasm for this project!

love, lore
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