The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 15th, 2008

December 15th, 2008

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Title: Just Another List
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 728
Warnings: Unbeta’d, yes that would be more than one warning!!
A/N: Previously posted at my journal.  A ficlet for [info]blpaintchart‘s b-day. Inspired by the list found here

Story: The Voyage of the HMS Leviosa, for blpaintchart

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The Voyage of the HMS Leviosa, for [info]blpaintchart
Rated: NC17
Summary: Botanical geographer Severus Snape reawakens Lieutenant Lupin's interest in life, amongst other things.
Warning: This is AU and does not follow the canon timeline (ages of characters in particular). Readers are kindly requested to please go with the flow.
Word count: 12508

Story: Peace Through Understanding, for saiphgrl

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Peace Through Understanding, for [info]saiphgrl
Rated: PG
Warning: abuse
Summary: I tried to combine two of your suggested prompts. Many thanks to my beta readers for the hours of hand holding and the help with my shoddy grammar and spelling. Also, nibbles to my nibblet, any mistakes are mine, not theirs. Special thanks to a special friend and elder for the Yule invocation. Luffs you, Lady. The carol “the Holly and the Ivy” dates back at least to the fourteenth century. If you know who I should credit for using the chorus, please let me know.
Word count: 7662
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