The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 14th, 2008

December 14th, 2008

Story: An Ecstasy of Fumbling, for nehalenia

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An Ecstasy of Fumbling, for [info]nehalenia
Rated: NC17
Warnings: open relationship infidelity, rough sex, violence (war)
Summary: Post-WWI, non-magical AU. After eight years together, Remus needs something or someone to shake up his relationship with Severus. In the aftermath of war, how do two people find themselves, and each other, again?
Word count: 12935

Art for "A Question of Preference", for rosemont1021

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Art for "A Question of Preference", for [info]rosemont1021
Rated: Work Safe
Summary: A merry Snupin-y Christmas to you, and I hope you enjoy~!
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