The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 1st, 2008

December 1st, 2008

Story: "How to Save a Life", for nimrod_9

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How to Save a Life, for [info]nimrod_9
Rated: R
Summary: The war has given a second chance to many, but Severus doesn’t seem to care. Will Remus be able to help him regain his will to live?
Warnings: None, except maybe a bit of sappyness and OOCness. Oh, and this story is DH compliant up to the end, excluding Snape and Remus’ death.
Author notes: Merry Christmas, Nimrod! I hope you like the prompt I choose, and what I made of it. We all should thank my anonymous betas for the amazing job they did, this fanfic wouldn’t have been half as good without their help! Special thanks to D. For suggesting the title, to S. for sharing the Teddy-love and to A. who’s the best!
Word count: ~18,000

December Theme Search!

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I'd like to take a moment to introduce some of our RL/SS resources to newcomers to the community and provide a reminder about the resources to oldtimers.

Resource List )

How This Works:
I'll determine what the theme is by drawing a theme randomly out of my King Kong trading card tin; the suggested prompts are from a long-ago poll, and when the number of suggestions dwindles enough, I'll open a new poll for new theme list suggestions.

How This Works cont. )

The November theme search is officially CLOSED.


Art: Untitled, for osmalic

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Untitled, for [info]osmalic
Rated: R
Summary: After the defeat of Voldemort, Ron and Draco have found a surprising connection. But why are Remus and Severus so against the match?

Story: The Inverse of Hormesis, for apythia

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The Inverse of Hormesis, for [info]apythia
Rated: R
Summary: An improbable meeting in a Muggle bookshop leads Snape and Lupin to re-evaluate one another.
Word count: ~5700

FIC: Pumpkin Lattes, PG

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Title: Pumpkin Lattes
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snape/Lupin, Ash/Tsubasa
Word count: ~1,465
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.
Sequel to: Scars, and the non-Snupin story Ash's Wand, which is set in the Always series, but focuses on the OCs Ash and Tsubasa.

Summary: Set in October of the school year following the end of Scars. This story came about after I bought a pumpkin latte at the local coffee shop, and I started wondering if the wizarding world would welcome the equivalent of Starbucks.

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