The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 2nd, 2008

December 2nd, 2008

Story: Not All Gifts Come With Bows, for senjy

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Not All Gifts Come With Bows, for [info]senjy
Rated: PG
Summary: When Teddy was dropped in Remus' lap, his world was turned upside down. In desperation he turns to the only person close at hand.
Notes: Non-magical AU
Word count: ~15,000

Story: "The Last Christmas", for duckgirlie

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The Last Christmas, for [info]duckgirlie
Rated: NC17
Warnings: Character Death, Self Mutilation, Infidelity
Summary: Request/Challenges: [Snape and Lupin’s] last meeting, anytime during DH. And: When they're young, what happens directly after Lupin finds out Snape's joined the death eaters.
Word count: ~2800

Story: "By the Sea", for zephre

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By the Sea, for [info]zephre
Rated: R
Summary: Prompt: FIC. post-war AU, Remus leaves England to seek a better life, follows a tip from a (matchmaking?) friend, ends up settled in the same place Severus has been living incognito after he was acquitted/escaped/whatever. Sparks fly, old resentments surface. Wolfsbane potion, werewolf claiming, perhaps mpreg? (Sorry, no mpreg) bonus if the matchmaker is an elder Weasley son or Kingsley, and checks up on him.
Word count: ~5700
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