The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 7th, 2008

November 7th, 2008

Mod Post: Desktop Artists, Volunteer Challenge, Other

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Snupin 2009 Desktop Calendar artists: Please friend the community if you haven't already. There's a post from a fellow artist asking questions there. You also need to have it friended to see update posts from me. Thanks!

Our November challenge is unique, because this time, we're reaching out to the lurkers and those anxiously awaiting the start of [info]snupin_santa.


Here's the dealio: Below, I am going to list several Volunteer opportunities for the two Lupin_Snape communities, related web sites and our sister community, Pervy_Werewolf. If you can think of other things that need to be done, don't hesitate to ask me to add something to the list.

Basically, we're asking you all to help do some late-year community cleaning and catch-up while the rest of the writers and artists desperately work on their exchange pieces. [info]lupin_snape has always been our community, and this is a way for some of you to get involved in its management on a short-term basis.

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Check back here for other opportunities throughout the month! I'll try to organize some form of thanks for those who take on these jobs. In fact, if you'd like to volunteer to "thank" someone with art, fic, drabbles, icons, etc., leave a reply here!

Other Notes:

[info]michaelchance is running his Snape/Lupin Christmas Card Exchange again this year. I believe this is just for cards, no drabbles or art required.

The Thematic List search this month is Crossover Stories. Let me take a moment to say that posting to the Thematic List searches is another form of volunteering for the community. You don't have to be the author to list fic that you know fits the search. You also don't have to gather up lots of links to help with the list. One or 10, it doesn't matter. McKay does not go looking for fics, she maintains the lists for us - work enough for her. Our part of the bargain is to bring links to her. Remember, the Thematic Lists are for us, and if we don't offer up links, the list will end up anemic.

You might not be aware of it, but [info]dianamoon created an Oekaki Board for our use. Her post about it is locked, because the board is for [info]lupin_snape members only, but I have linked the board to the IJ sidebar. An Oekaki board allows anyone to create art and post it instantly to the board. Check out Di's post for more information.

Also, if you want a preview of the 2009 desktop calendar project mentioned above, look no further than [info]dianamoon's November desktop calendar. Pretty exciting, right? Di is a Snupin Peach; let her know it!

[info]busaikko made a link list for audio fics and Snupin-related podcasts. If you have anything to add to it, let her know! I should add it to the side bar, too, huh?

Trouble leaving feedback at Moonshadow? That's because the archivist had to create a dummy account for us to log into so that spammers would go away. This members-only post contains the log-in information. I might link it to the sidebar, I'm not sure yet. I suggest you put the post in your memories.

Now might be a good time to remind you all that we do occasionally make posts that are for members-only. You should check for them on occasion.

I don't think words will ever describe how much I treasure all of you, and how grateful I am for things like [info]talesoflore (although I tried in an audio file I posted there). I am slowly working through the community, but I hope that at this point, no one is holding back comments for my sake. Please do go and squee all over the fine people who created such wonderful, Snupiny presents!

Also, remember, The Sultan and the Storyteller by [info]scribbulus_ink and [info]arionrhod is being updated DAILY throughout the month. In the quiet before Snupin Santa, there's a completed story out there for you to enjoy each day. Whoo Hoo!

Speaking of [info]snupin_santa, remember that the deadline for returning participants is this Monday, November 10. Don't procrastinate in asking for an extension if you need one. Not hearing from you is the quickest way for you to lose your place in the exchange!

*floomps* I think that's everything I can think of for now! Did I miss anything? Let me know! ♥!

love, lore

P.S. I know it's a LOT to read, but I would appreciate you all reading the notes section carefully. I swear I don't get a kick out of typing all that out; it's really for your information.
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