The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 15th, 2008

October 15th, 2008

Mini icon dumpage

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I made icons! Was playing around the other day, making some new icons for me, when I thought perhaps I'd share them here considering they are somewhat related (and one is quite obviously related).

Though is it gauche of me to post icons of my own art?... )

Mod Post: Desktop Calendar for 2009 - Invites are out!

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Community Invitations to the artists who volunteered here are out! We'll be using a backup community at LJ, just in case IJ is being slow, but I really do want to keep the bulk of the posts on IJ if possible.

Artists, your invites are here:

If you didn't receive one, please let me know! Also, if you're an artist and just seeing this project now, you're welcome to join us as long as you don't mind sharing months (i.e., there might be two Decembers). There will be a welcome post and then a logistics post in the IJ community soon. Feel free to introduce yourselves and ask questions or detail your plans. Whee!

love, lore

P.S. Everyone else, I know some of you would love a sneak peek at the goings-on, but please don't bother friending the project communities. They're set to automatically lock posts, so there won't be anything for you to see. ♥ Sorry about that!
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