The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 20th, 2008

July 20th, 2008

Art: Haunting (for Fantasy Fest short fic prompt #21)

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A few days ago I posted this fic here for Fantasy Fest short fic prompt #21: DH-compliant. Haunting Teddy. Please, no fluff.

And then, because I couldn't just leave it in words, illustrated it.

Title: Haunting
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: JKR's, not mine. I own the pens.
Prompt: DH-compliant. Haunting Teddy. Please, no fluff.
Notes: yeah, spot the girl who's read too many Batman comics to be healthy...
I've been trying to get this damn thing uploaded for two days while my computer sulked at me. Never mind, back to packing for me. London in, like, two days!



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I am starting to work on my Fantasy Fest entry and humbly beseech the assembled throngs the members of this community for help.

Help me, Obi-Wan Kabouter! You're my only hope! )

My thanks in advance....

FIC: Paso Doble

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Title: Paso Doble - chapters 7-9 (WiP)
By: McKay & Arionrhod
Rated: R
Summary: Non-magical AU. Remus and Severus dance around each other literally and figuratively as they compete in a televised dance competition.
Notes: The TV show is based on So You Think You Can Dance.

Written for [info]lore in thanks for running the Fantasy Fest and everything else she does in her modly capacity at lupin_snape. :D

Fic, ficlet, and drabble. I have it all!

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Title: Brightest Flames
Author: Envinyatar
Rating: R
Highlight for Warnings: *mental illness, questionable consent/abuse, they-didn't-die-AU*
Word Count: 2,738
Summary: Years after the war Severus is found wandering the woods, his mental faculties shaken. Remus takes him in.

Title: Palliated
Author: Envinyatar
Rating: very light R
Highlight for Warnings: *AU, established relationship, also: schmoop that still remains on the angsty side*
Word Count: 1,778
Summary: Severus Snape was pacing the small room from one wall to the other, the restlessness he was feeling inside growing with each passing second. A lovers' reunion during DH, and maybe a little further than that.

Title: Lightning Strike
Author: Envinyatar
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 254
Notes: Written for [info]red_day_dawning's prompt "lightning strike".
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