The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 31st, 2008

May 31st, 2008

Darkfest Fic: Interview with the Devil (SS/RL, Tonks, NC-17)

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Title: Interview with the Devil
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Snape/Lupin, Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~7,600
Warnings: Infidelity, non-con and some resulting trauma, DH-compliant marriages, pregnancies and deaths
Summary: Three souls in hell. If they have an hour to talk about anything they'd like, they will end up putting their worst sins on the table in less than ten minutes. It's human nature, after all, and the finest form of punishment.
Notes: Written for the 2008 Dark Side fest, woo! Based very loosely on a prompt [info]cordelia_v mentioned many months ago, but she probably won't recognise it after the wringer I've put it through. That is to say, this really isn't her fault. Many thanks to [info]summerborn, [info]florahart and [info]islandsmoke for the super helpful beta work.
Soundtrack: A selection of angry Fiona Apple: On the Bound | Limp | Get Gone | I Know.

Interview with the Devil )


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Hanging out in the chat room, looking for dark inspiration. Join me?

5 p.m. EST

(still here, 9:30 EST)

love, lore

Dark Side Fic: The Time and the Place [R]

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Title: The Time and the Place
Author: [info]senjy
Character(s): Severus, Remus
Rating(s): R
Warning(s): dark, character death, obsession, vore
Word Count: 1,200
Beta: Apologies that this was hurriedly written today, and is therefore not beta read. Corrections and con-crit are welcome.
Disclaimer: All familiar characters and situations belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made.

Summary: Severus hated Lupin for being a failure.
Notes: [info]snegurochka_lee is the star running the challenge, and who also gave me the prompts Time Turner and Shrieking Shack.

'When I fall asleep it could be forever...' Time Watching, by The Divine Comedy )

Dark Side Challenge: Fic: 'Love Potion'

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Title: Love Potion
Author: Jules Noctambule
Pairings: RL/SB; RL/SS (implied)
Rating: R
Warnings: None I can really think of, actually -- someone correct me if I'm wrong!
Notes: Short and probably not as dark as should be expected.

No, you won't make me jealous. . . . )

Darkside Challenge: Apogee and Perigee (NC17/NWS)

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Title: Apogee and Perigee
Author: [info]lore
Rating: NC17/NWS
Challenge: Darkside, prompt: Wolfsbane
Summary: Trust comes with a price.
Disclaimer: Jo's characters, my boys.
Warnings: breathplay, character death
Notes: ~730 words. Betaed by the chat room regulars, especially [info]dianamoon. Idea originally from a prompt given at [info]pervy_werewolf. Concrit welcome.

Apogee )

love, lore

Dark Side Fest Fic: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, NC-17

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Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore
Rating: NC-17
Additional Pairings: Remus/Draco, Nott Sr, Goyle, Fenrir, Oliver, Macnair, Amycus, Lucius, Rodolphus, Rabastan, and probably a few more. Rabastan/Oliver, Oliver/Marcus, Draco/Marcus and so on...
Warnings: Any kink you can think of, prostitution, D/s, alpha!Remus and arse play mainly. Character death, dark themes, murder attemps, murder.
Challenge: Written for the 2008 Dark Side Fest and for LMoM
Word count: ~105,000
Link to all chapters, if you prefer chaptered: here.
Notes: The story wouldn't have looked quite as nice, had it not been for the strict [info]envinyatar15 and the faithful [info]red_day_dawning who used their precious time to look the chapters over and remove my most glaring errors. Thanks, both of you.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different wizards as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

(The Diary of a Death Eater Whore)

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