The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 24th, 2007

December 24th, 2007

Art: "Willing to Share", for innerslytherin

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Willing to Share, for [info]innerslytherin
Rated: NWS
Pairing: Remus/Severus/Sirius
Summary: This is a scene from innerslytherin's ever-so-yummy fic, Delineation of a Duelist, where Severus and Sirius decide they're willing to cooperate with each other and share Remus if he'll have them both. I am very happy I was given this assignment, because I had missed this fantastic story the first time around. Innerslytherin, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it!

Fic: "Recipe for Disaster", for maraudersaffair

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Recipe for Disaster, for [info]maraudersaffair
Rated: R
Summary: Severus is obsessed with Remus and brews Polyjuice potion so his best friend Regulus can turn into him…Regulus has feelings for Severus and agrees to do it, but after an accident demands that Severus talks to Remus. Angst ensues.
Word count: ~10,200

Art: "Longing", for kirasha

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Longing, for [info]kirasha
Summary: Remus gazes into the Mirror of Erised...
Medium: Pencil and coloured pencils
Notes: An illustration of kirasha's drabble by the same name:

Art: Christmas Card, G

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Title: Christmas Card 
Artist: [info]gingertart50
Rating: G
Summary: Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas with a side order of Snupin.

click here for the card
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