The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 13th, 2007

December 13th, 2007

Fic: "Confidential Transactions", for inkgeist

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Confidential Transactions, for [info]inkgeist
Rated: NC17
Summary: The war is over; Severus is a magical books dealer free living under a pseudonym. Remus wants a book.
Word count: ~5600
Warnings: oral sex, shower sex, dub-con sex (barely), public sex, rimming, mentions of bestiality
AN: Many thanks to M and M for the fast beta and brit-pick!!

Fic & Art: "Dark Lanterns", for rossana

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Dark Lanterns, for [info]rossana
Rated: NC17; art is NWS
Summary: Remus takes his wolf out for a spin down Knockturn way; maybe the wolf takes him.
Warnings: includes non-Snupin pairing, prostitution, rimming, hints of rough sex, a slightly unconventional Remus, a lot of swearing :).
Word count: ~2900
A/N: Thank you to my Mystery Betas. I hope you like this, Rossana! I chose this prompt. Er. Sort of: 1. Jealousy Can Drive You Mad: Fic or Artwork. Snape has to find an alternative to teaching to put meat in his belly. Lupin finds himself both attracted to and becoming jealous of Severus' new occupation. "Roxanne, you don't have to put on that red light, those days are over, you don't have to sell your body to the night. Roxanne, you don't have to wear that dress tonight. Walk the streets of money, you don't care if it's wrong or if it's right." Cross-dressing would be a tasty topping, along with rough sex.

But Remus wouldn’t cooperate as an idealist, and he kept coming into my head and rearranging the bookshelves till I gave in and made him what he wanted. I know the approach is a little odd, and I’m not sure if you’ll like it, but I hope it will work for you, and if it doesn’t… there’s a picture as well.

Poll closing tomorrow

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Just FYI - if you want to vote in the Snupin Santa reveal date poll and haven't yet, I'm closing the poll at 5:00PM EST (-5 GMT). i.e. in 24 hours from now.

Right now, there's a very tight race between Jan. 5 and Jan. 7, so get those last minute votes in before time runs out!

Fic: "A Season in Aberdaron", for aleoninc

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A Season in Aberdaron, for [info]aleoninc
Rated: PG13
Summary: Severus Snape and Remus Lupin (and others) meet up on the way to heaven. Written for Prompt #1, but heavily influenced by Prompt #3 (Objects of My Affection, by Peter, Bjorn and John).
Word count: ~9400
Notes: Merry Christmas, aleoninc! Many thanks to the elves who provided construction assistance and then sanded the rough edges off, and to the ladies and gentlemen of chat, for moral support; all remaining mistakes are my own. Also, Aberdaron is a real village located near Bardsey Island, but it bears no resemblance to the city described in this story!
Disclaimer: These characters, they are not mine, clearly; I borrow them only for fun.
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