The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 14th, 2007

November 14th, 2007

Meta Month: Canon moments that lead to Snupin

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First off, I just have to hint, that if anyone wants to write an essay on Snape/Lupin post-series for Meta Month, it would be a most welcome addition to the ship. We have essays I'm about to cite that are post-OotP and post-HBP, but it would be nice to have a definitive end-of-the-series essay. No need to volunteer, just, if you want to give it a try, please feel free!

All right! This post is about listing the moments in canon that make up your take on the Snape/Lupin pairing. These can be moments where they are together, or separate, moments from books Lupin isn't even in, and even moments from other characters, such as Harry's thoughts regarding Snape and/or Lupin.

By "moment", I mean scene or line from canon, or an impression from canon that could be truth, either of which are part of what feed in to your idea of Lupin/Snape. For the purposes of this list, let's stick with book canon.

When this thread is through, we should be able to put together a comprehensive list of the parts of canon that make us believe in Snape/Lupin. It's a list I'd like to put on the side-bars and the wiki, so that you can point to it when people ask you what you saw in canon that made you ship Snupin.

There's no need to bust out your books, we don't need whole bits of the books typed out. Just state the moment as you think of it and which book it's from. Please feel free to use the book abbreviations SS, CoS, PoA, GoF, OotP, HBP and DH or any variation thereof. If you see someone's already listed some of your moments, you can skip adding them, or not - if the responses get deep, I can understand not wanting to read through them all to see if someone covered your idea.

Finally, some examples to get us started:

DH: When it is revealed that Severus accidentally severed George's ear off because he was saving Remus from a Death Eater's attack.

Series: Remus is shabby and ill-looking - increasingly so. (This is a canon impression)

Feel free to explain your canon impressions. "That Remus is presented as shabby and under-fed made me want someone to take care of him and as Snape can brew Wolfsbane and other helpful potions, I thought Severus would make a good choice for Remus."

You can get some idea of canon moments from two ship essays by McKay written after books 5 and 6: Wild thing, I think I love you and A Matter of Trust.

Have Metalicious fun with this! There's no right or wrong answers. *grin*

love, lore

In Chat!

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There's a few of us in chat as usual, talking SnuSa and art/fic in general, and would LOVE to see some more folks pop in for a bit to poke us into more of a frenzy XD Stop in? Chat? Drabble? Doodle?
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