The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 10th, 2007

November 10th, 2007

New art archive!

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This is some news for our lovely resident artists:

There's a brand-new HP art archive, Veiled Mysteries. It's got categories for slash, femslash, het, gen, and moresomes, and there's a category for Snape/Lupin art. As I understand it, this is meant to be a home for all HP artists across the fandom, so if you're interested, please consider supporting it by uploading your art.

But that doesn't mean you can't submit your art to the Moonshadow gallery too! All artists are welcome to submit their work at any time. You don't even have to upload them yourself, just email the images via the handy email link on the gallery main page. How easy is that? ;)

Ship chat

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Spontaneous ship chat is breaking out in the chat room! Come join us for some Snape/Lupin talk and support if you're working on Snupin Santa or other Snupin projects. We'll go into the wee hours, so come in at any time. It's 6 pm EST now.

love, lore
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